Thursday 31 March 2011

Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan ( A.Q.Khan )

Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan ( A.Q.Khan )
Happy Birthday to Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan :) (1st April 2011)

Abdul Qadeer Khan, (born: 1st April, 1936)

Abdul Qadeer Khan, (born: 1st April, 1936), (D.Eng, FPAS, Sc.D, HI, NI (twice)) (Urdu: ڈاکٹر عبد القدیر خان ); more widely known as Dr. A. Q. Khan, is a Pakistani nuclear scientist and a metallurgical engineer who served as the Director-General of the Kahuta Research Laboratories (KRL) from 1976 till 2001. Abdul Qadeer Khan is widely regarded as the founder of HEU based Gas-centrifuge enrichment technology for Pakistan's nuclear weapons research programme. His middle name is alternatively rendered as Quadeer, Qadeer or Gaudeer, and his given names are usually abbreviated to A.Q.